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- 16 Nov 2020
- CURRENT BACKGROUND ARTICLE about Giordano Bruno's "Quin tu ure/Brenn, Ich fleh' dich an/Burn I beg you"
https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/b4a13b5a/files/uploaded/Monatsschrift-Magische-Blaetter-Heft-10-November-2020.pd MAGISCHE BLÄTTER, Issue 10, November 2020, p.72-75: Giordano Bruno's "Ich fleh' dich an" (Burn, I beg you/Quin tu ure) by Rob van der Hoeden; p.75 NOTE: the Dutch composer Hans Bakker wrote a work: "Quin tu ure", for mixed choir soprano and tenor solo, composed in September 2005. https://hansbakker.musicaneo.com/sheetmusic/sm-264673_quin_tu_ure_for_ssaattbb_with_stolo_and_s. html